FusionFlex Sectional Feeding Platform Traveling Head Press

Servo-Over-Hydraulic Traveling Head Press w/ Sectional Feeding Platform Automation and CNC Nesting Software

The FusionFlex Series is well-suited for applications requiring the higher tonnage ranges and durability offered by standard hydraulic machines, and the higher technology software options, quiet operation, and energy efficiency of the ServoFlex and MechaFlex series. This series bridges the gap between rugged industrial applications and more complex or sensitive manufacturing processes.

This model uses a sectional feeding platform for sheet or roll materials. Just place a sheet or roll of material onto the platform, upload the cut file into software (or use the optional tool scanning station), nest your pattern, and initiate the program to advance and cut continuously.

• Encoder-based depth setting (Macro-adjustment)
• Timer-based cutting depth (Micro-adjustment)
• Servo-powered head movement
• Servo-powered head rotation
• Safety light curtains
• Safely enclosed machine body
• Drop-down Plexiglass Safety Screen
• Intuitive touchscreen controls
• Soft starter to balance startup amperage & increase energy efficiency
• Thermal overload protection
• Phase monitoring & over-voltage protection
• Sectional Feeding Platform
• All-in-one Industrial PC
• Full CNC nesting software w/ live progress readout
• Recipe-saving technology
• Safety light curtains & caging

• NRTL Intertek machine certification
• UL 508(a) electrical panel certification
• 3 Year Extended Warranty
• Allen Bradley Swap

• Upper Heated Platen (0-400° F)
• Automatic tool scanning station
• Pick-and-place system
• Pattern projection
• In-line inkjet and UV printing
• Tool garage or flip-head for automatic tool changing
• Area scanners and custom plexiglass safety screens

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